URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Save the West Scarborough Trail

The proposed West Scarborough Rail Path is in jeopardy. 

At a meeting next week of the City of Toronto Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC), transportation staff will recommend not moving forward with this project at this time.

There is time to save this project. Please write to the committee asking it be included in the 2025-2027 cycling and pedestrian network plan.

 How to contact the committee:

Below we have provided suggested text which you can personalize.

Please contact the committee before the end of the business day Monday May 27.

 Go to this link for the agenda item: https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.IE14.3

At the top of the page click "Submit Comments"


You can email the councillors on the committee directly:

Copy the local councillor Parthi Kandavel

Copy Mayor Olivia Chow and Councillor Josh Matlow who supported this project in their Mayoral campaigns)

Suggested text:

 Subject: IE14.3 Include the Scarborough West Trail in the Cycling Network Plan

Members of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee,

As a resident of Scarborough Southwest (Ward 20) I urge you to include the Scarborough West Trail in the Cycling Network Plan (IE14.3) and ensure the resources are provided to complete this project quickly.

City staff recommend to not move forward with this project at this time. 

This path has been promised multiple times for over 50 years and has overwhelming support from the community. This community cannot be told again, "not at this time."  We are in a part of Toronto lacking infrastructure for active transportation. This infrastructure is essential to Toronto's commitments to equity and addressing climate change. The reasons given by staff for not proceeding are not insurmountable barriers, but rather will require political will and allocation of resources.

 Thank you for your work and support for the residents of Scarborough South West

 [Include your name and address]

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