West Scarborough Rail Trail In Jeopardy! – Press Release


Midtown has the Beltline Rail Trail, Don Mills has the Don Mills Rail Trail, West Toronto has the West Toronto Railpath and Scarborough has [insert crickets chirping here].

The West Scarborough Rail Trail was first proposed more than 50 years ago by University of Toronto graduate students as a bike path from Warden Subway Station to the Metro Zoo.

50 years later and despite several attempts by local city councillors, numerous recommendations by city engineers and planners, visits by politicians from all levels of government including our current mayor and inclusion in the Warden Woods Secondary Plan, the City Of Toronto Infrastructure and Environment Committee is set to cancel the proposed West Scarborough Rail Trail on the recommendation of city traffic staff.

This trail would run from Warden Subway Station to the Meadoway in the north and Warden Woods Ravine, Taylor Creek Ravine and the Don Valley Trail in the south. If completed, a person could walk or bike from Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Don River to Rouge Valley National Urban Park.

Local residents and community groups are rallying to prevent the cancellation of the West Scarborough Rail Trail at the next meeting of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on May 28 through an email campaign and in person deputations.

Here is the submission by the Scarborough Junction Community: https://www.scarboroughjunction.org/2024/05/sjc-comments-for-2024ie143-on-may-28.html

Here is a link to the Scarborough Junction Community Rail Trail information page: https://www.scarboroughjunction.org/p/rail-trail-and-parks-dedication.html

Here is a link to our call to action:


Media Contact:

Misha Perozak






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